February 12, 2025 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Virtual Class on Zoom
AI/$185, Non AI/$200
Debra Miller

This class is being held from 9:00 am – approximately 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.

You will receive a Zoom link the week of the class.

Virtual Meeting Requirements to get CE:

  • Students must have webcam/iphone/ipad/smartphone capability 100% of the program to participate and receive continuing education credit. The platform will be interactive and live. The instructor must be able to physically see and interact with all students and students must be able see and interact with the instructor.
  • You must send a copy of a picture ID, which can be your driver’s license with all details blacked out except the name and picture emailed to the Chapter office as verification after you have registered for the offering and prior to the offering start date.
  • You cannot take virtual education from a vehicle; you must be able to see the presentation, be seen and respond if necessary.
  • If you are using your Ipad/Iphone/smartphone please download the ZOOM app prior to offering.
  • Please check your webcam privacy settings on your computer.

Check state approvals before registering to make sure the states you are licensed have approved the course/seminar and allow Virtual education in place of classroom education during the pandemic.

The Zoom link will be sent to registered students the week of the class.