Get Involved – Service Opportunities

The Metro New Jersey’s nominating committee will be making their selection for Board members and Secretary for the 2025 Board of Directors. If you are interested in getting involved in the chapter and being part of the decision making, please email your qualifications to the chapter office no later than February 23, 2024. Please include responses to the questions below. The chapter is required to hold 4 Board meetings a year which are usually scheduled around chapter meetings. You can also request to get involved on one of the chapter committees, which are listed on the website and the Leadership Registry.

As you may know, the Appraisal Industry is challenged by many issues on a state and national level. The chapter Board of Directors is actively working with the government relations committee to make the best decisions on behalf of chapter members. Now is the time to take part in these decisions and have an impact for yourself and other appraisers in the chapter and state.

Chapter members who serve on the Board and chapter committees earn CE for their AI cycle.

If you would like to serve on the Board or on a Committee you need to be registered in the Leadership Resource Registry (LRR). You can do this by going to the Appraisal Institute website, and click Go to My Account top right; click Get Involved on the Bottom Left side of your home page.

Please keep in mind that the Chapter By Laws Part F states An elected member of the Chapter Board of Directors who fails to fulfill the duties of his or her position or who fails to attend three (3) consecutive regularly scheduled Board meeting may be removed by a sixty percent (60%) vote of the voting members of the Chapter Board of Directors.

What chapter positions (committees, BOD, etc.) have you held in the past and when?

Why would you like to serve in a leadership position in the Chapter?

What are some issues that you feel the chapter needs to focus on in the next few years?

Please direct your questions to Debra Miller at

View Opportunities

    • Board of Directors
    • Candidate Guidance Committee
    • Education Committee
    • Princeton Conference Committee
    • Program and Events Committee
    • Fall Conference Committee
    • Communications and Social Media Committee
    • Government Relations Committee
    • Max Neuberger Scholarship Committee
    • Sponsorship Committee

Leadership Resource Registry

The Leadership Resource Registry – Have you entered your information this year?

For questions regarding chapter job descriptions, members may contact their chapter’s executive director. For questions on the regional and national level, please contact Debra Miller, and your questions will be forwarded to the national office.